Portal Version 3.11

Anita Wilknitz Updated by Anita Wilknitz

Release Notes Portal Version 3.11.0 (available from Jun 06ths 2024 on)

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions:

Links get default label:

Links that are added by the system to an alarm message (e.g. video conference and confirmation links) now receive a short description before the URL





Title of the Link: Link-URL

F24 Homepage: https://f24.com/en/

New ad-hoc alarm design: 

Ad-hoc alarms can now also be given names and assigned a category or priority. All confirmation and collaboration options are now also available in the ad-hoc alarm, as in the normal alarm.

Follow-up notification: 

You can now directly select persons from the alarm monitor to initiate an ad-hoc alarm as follow-up communication

Improvements from FACT24 ENS+ essential:

Custom welcome message:

When an alarm is triggered via an individual dial-in number (if booked or included from ENS+ advanced), you can configure an individual welcome message for the person triggering the alarm.

Ein Bild, das Text, Screenshot, Schrift, Zahl enthält.
          Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Read detailed description in the alarm article

Add unknown persons to alarm: 

When triggering an alarm via API (if booked), you can now add persons which are not present in the FACT24 ENS+ system to the alarm audience.

Examples of Use Cases:

  • A hotel or airline could offer travelers/guests the option of registering in their system by email if they wish to receive relevant alerts. Then an “ENS+ person” does not have to be created for each of these temporary persons, but can simply be added to an alert via API.

Read detailed description in the External API article

Improvements from FACT24 ENS+ advanced:

New survey module: 

The feedback you can give in an alarm is rather static. You can only give one response per person, only once. The survey module makes it now possible to send surveys with several questions by e-mail and SMS. 

Options in the Survey module:

  • The answers can still be edited afterwards based on flex feedback
  • Individual questions can be assigned to an individual person
  • The answers to the survey can then be exported as a CSV via a report

Examples of Use Cases:

  • Authority: Would like to have a daily update from the hospitals on bed occupancy, sickness levels of staff etc.
  • Industry: Each department should provide feedback on how severe the restrictions are in the event of an IT attack.

Read detailed description in Survey Article

How did we do?

Portal Version 3.12

Portal Version 3.10
