FACT24 Alarms

corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

Create Incidents in CIM

FACT24 ENS+ alarms can automatically create incidents in CIM.

In order to configure it go to FACT24 ENS+ and alarm configuration. Then follow these steps: 

  1. Under: "Alarm Configuration"> "Alarms".
  2. Select the alarm which you would like to use for automatic incident creation.
  3. On the first page scroll to the bottom and find “Extended Alarm Flow”.
  4. Enable “Use this alarm to register an incident in FACT24 CIM”.
  5. Enter the details regarding the Incident Type, Phase and Potential.
  • Incident Type:

    Choose which type of incident you are registering. Examples on which types of incidents your enterprise could use:
    • Cyber attack
    • Pandemic
    • Denial of access to building or site
    • Production downtime
    • Extreme weather event
    • Mass-casualty incident
    • Other
    Incident types can be added, deleted and edited by the role CIM Administrator. An incident can have several types.
    The incident types you select will determine what action cards will be automatically available for handling the incident.
In FACT24 CIM, under “Admin”>” Admin Workshop”>” Incident Type”, you will find the list of incident types that can be added, deleted and edited.
  • Incident Phase:
    Select a phase from the dropdown list. The values available are system default. These can be changed by the CIM Administrator role.

    The default phase tags are:
    • Monitoring: If there are certain incidents that are likely to occur, you can monitor happenings and news. Use this phase-tag in the earliest stage - pre-mobilization.
    • Mobilization: The incident is ongoing and has developed to an intensity or extent that prompt activation of the crisis management organization.
    • Handling: The incident requires increased effort. The crisis management organization uses the pre-defined action cards to manage the incident in real time.
    • Normalization: Actions to take when the incident changes and can be defined as over the top. Use this phase tag to get back to a more or less normal setting - as it was before the incident occurred.
    • Evaluation: When the incident is over, you can use this tag for actions taken for evaluation and learning from the incident.
  • Incident Potential:
    Select an incident potential from the list. Examples on incident potentials your enterprise could use:
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
In FACT24 CIM, under “Admin”>” Admin Workshop”>” Incident potential”, the list of Incident Potential that can be added, deleted and edited by CIM Administrator.
  1. Toggle on “allow CIM incident settings edit on alarm triggering.”
If this tab is disabled you will not be allowed to edit the alarm trigger as shown below and will directly register an incident in CIM.

Once this tab is ON, you will be able to edit the alarm trigger via the below mentioned steps.

  1. Click on Save to successfully register the alarm for the incident.
  2. Open Alarm Cockpit and click on Trigger to trigger the alarm.
  3. A popup appears, then click on Edit.
  4. Select CIM Connection depending on your alarm configuration.
“Use this Alarm to register an incident in FACT24 CIM” is already switched on by default.
  1. Edit the details for the incident type, phase and potential.
  2. Select Launch to trigger the alarm and to register the incident in CIM.
On the Start Page of FACT24 CIM the alarm name appears under in incident list, and alarm message gets added automatically as the incident description.

You can select any incident and get started managing the incident.

Open a case in CIM

In addition to registering an incident, an ENS+ alarm can also open a case in FACT24 CIM – either connected to an incident (register incident and open case from the same alarm) or independent from it (just open a case and don’t register an incident).  

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          Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Same as for the incident registration, you can pre-configure to open a case in the “Extended Alarm Flow” section of the alarm configuration. If you enable editing these settings on alarm triggering, you can also decide at the time of the alarm triggering if you would like the alarm to open a case or not.   

If you would like to learn more about the case manager, please visit the Case Manager in CIM Article

How did we do?

Register new incident

Incident Boards
