General Settings

General Settings

The FACT24 ENS+ Mobile app can be installed on multiple devices for the same person. To provide our users the flexibility to configure different settings on different devices, all general settings are only stored on the specific device for as long as the person stays logged into the mobile app. If the person logs out or gets auto-logged out, and logs in again, all these settings will have been re-set to default values.

Select Home

Selection of the view to be displayed when the APP starts:

  • Trigger alarm (if active in profile)
  • Lone worker protection (if active in profile)
  • History
  • Active alarms

Design and display mode

How should the individual areas be displayed:

  • Map
  • List view

Show taskbar

Display the bottom taskbar

Low Battery Level Notification / Battery Charge Level Limit

The limit value is given as a percentage. The value can be entered manually or predefined/overwritten via the PNA settings.


The display of the message can be configured for each priority.

  • No display
  • Banner message (normal priority)
  • Central pop-up for messages (high priority)

  • Find out more about alarm priority here.

What information do they want to see in the alert list?

  • Title
  • Message

Mute all alerts

If this option is active, the following options are grayed out and can no longer be used. All messages are muted.

Silent mode based on priorities

Selective muting can be set per priority.

«Silently ignore when setting»

If this option is active, the general mute of the operating system (on Android) will be overwritten

In the Android operating system, users are provided with the option to assign distinct notification sounds for various categories like alarms, location-related alerts, personal safety notifications, and warnings.

However, this customization does not extend to notifications related to battery status and network connectivity. In this context, "network" refers to notifications that indicate whether your device is connected to the internet or other networks. 

On the iOS platform, the approach to notification sounds is more uniform. The sound chosen for general notifications applies universally across all notification types.

This means that while assigning separate sounds for battery or network notifications isn't part of iOS's customization options, there's a consistent auditory experience for all alerts. 

Triggering Service

In Settings / TriggerIng Services, the lockscreen alarm and a Bluetooth button can be "taught".

Lockscreen Alarm


The following options are available as trigger settings in the mobile app:

  • Define a lockscreen alarm

From a list of available alarms, an alarm can be selected, which can be triggered in the lockscreen. (Android)

Time to trigger the alarm

Specifies the delay time that the APP waits for confirmation from the user to start the alarm. This is to avoid unintentional false alarms.

Connect a Bluetooth button

The Blukii button assigned in the APP profile must be pressed so that the APP can identify and connect it.

The reliability of Bluetooth largely depends on factors such as the Bluetooth version, signal strength, and interference from other devices in the vicinity. Users may occasionally encounter minor disruptions or pairing issues, especially in crowded wireless environments.

The found beacon can be selected and is now connected as an external alarm trigger.

The active connection is indicated by the Bluetooth icon, now colored green.

  • Show alarm category filter
    • Decide whether it should be possible to filter alarms on the trigger screen by their assigned category

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