Portal Version 3.19

Anita Wilknitz Updated by Anita Wilknitz

Release Notes Portal Version 3.19.0 (available from Feb 20th 2025 on)

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions:

  1. Favorite a Workspace

Since the last release, you can create your own workspaces on the FACT24 ENS+ homepage to access alerts, forms, surveys, ... quickly.

With this release you can now also favorite a workspace by clicking the star next to the workspace name.

This workspace will then automatically open whenever you click on 'Homepage' in the navigation.

You can find more information about dashboards here

  1. Pin and Unpin favorites in the Workspace Widgets

By clicking on the pushpin icon or the "Pin" and "Unpin" options, you can now pin specific people, groups, alarms, etc., to your dashboard, ensuring they always appear at the top.

You can find more information about dashboards here

  1. New widgets in the Workspace

You can now also add the following widgets to your workspaces:

  • Person configuration
  • Group configuration
  • Alarm configuration
  • Alarm instance list monitor
  • Chat list monitor
  • Incident list monitor
  • Phone Conference list monitor
  • Video conference list monitor
  • Survey list monitor
  • News list monitor

You can find more information about dashboards here

  1. Export Alarms and Users

You can now select all alarms you want to export in the alarm configurator under "Alarms" and add a description to the export.

The CSV export of alarms can then be found under Setup in the Download Center in the Alarms tab.

You can find more information about alarms here

Similarly, in User Management under Setup, you can select all users you want to export and also add a description to the export.

This CSV export can also be found in the Download Center under the Users tab.

You can find more information about users here

Improvements from FACT24 ENS+ essential:

  1. Message templates for Info hotline

When configuring an info hotline, you can now select a message template. This saves time and allows you to easily reuse messages.

You can find more information about info hotlines here

  1. Display of who is Speaking in the Conference

After triggering a conference alarm, you can see if a person is currently speaking by looking at the phone icon next to their name in the alarm cockpit.

 You can find more information about telefone conferences here

How did we do?

Portal Version 3.18
