On request, the mobile app can also be provided as APK for distribution via MDM. Please reach out to your designated account manager who will guide you through the process and provide further details.
First Time Login
There are three options:
Via Account Email Address - Recommended: For persons with access to an email address, set an account email address (needs to be unique in the system). After having downloaded and opened the mobile app, persons should click on “Login with password” and then “forgot password”. They will receive an email to their account email address with a link to set a new password. This can then be used to log into the mobile app (as well as the web portal – see https://helpplus.fact24.com/l/en/article/y3u8bnlw90-web-login-for-persons)
Note that people configured as “users” in the web portal can automatically log into the mobile app via this way with their password. If 2-factor-authentication via SMS is enabled for their account, it will automatically also apply for the mobile app login.
Via PIN and Device Password: For persons without own email address use application ID, first time PIN login and device password: - Share application ID and PIN login with the person via another device (e.g., their phone number). You can use an ad-hoc alarm for this: https://helpplus.fact24.com/l/en/article/djzk6nmc9z-send-notification
The person should then select “first time login with PIN”. They will then be asked to set their device password. For any future login, “Login with password” should be used.
If in this setup, the person ever loses their password, an administrator can change their password manually in the web portal. For security reasons, however, we recommend to re-create the person to re-enable first-time login procedure via PIN.
Via Self-checkin: For a person to use this functionality, the according settings must be enabled for the entire account. Please check with an administrator, or if you are the administrator with your F24 account representative.
Click “check in yourself”
Enter requested details
Accept end user agreement
Check your email inbox
Set a password -> go to mobile app and login with password
You will get see all content that you have access to according to the organization’s default profile (see next page)
The same person can use the same login data to log into the web portal