Portal Version 3.0

corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

Triggering alarms and sending messages

  • Advanced search filters that can be customised to select the recipients you need.
  • Search filter with AND and OR function on qualifications and groups. In addition, the possibility of multiple selection by means of OR function on the fields “Profiles”, “Primary Skill” as well as “Departments”.


Alarm configuration

The focus was on revising the alarm flows with the aim of simplifying them. A core element of the new release is the revision of the entire alarm configuration. Furthermore, the alarm configuration was enriched by the survey confirmation and an extended job log.

  • Revision of the entire alarm flow
  • Distinction between “standard” and “advanced configuration“
  • Clear structuring according to topic units and use of new visual selection elements
  • Within the alarm, the option to show possible gaps in the planning is available when using the annual calendar
  • Detailed description of the new functions
  • Implementation of the duty roster for calendar-dependent alerting
  • Implementation of the survey response
  • The response can have up to 10 answers and the display of the results can be configured individually
  • Individual confirmation announcements for each alarm
  • Job Log
  • After the alarm confirmation, the user has the possibility to fulfil up to 5 subtasks
  • Depending on the configuration, the tasks can be performed in a predefined order or in any order
  • The status can be transmitted to 3
    party systems via webhook
  • Integration of Apple iOS smartwatch


Group management

The system now allows import and export of groups.

  • Export via CSV and PDF. In the PDF also incl. end devices of the persons.
  • Import via CSV with option to resolve non-existent persons
  • Simultaneous processing of one or more groups

Advanced search filters which can be customised. Search filter with AND and OR function on qualifications and groups. In addition, the possibility of multiple selection by means of OR function on the fields “Profiles”, “Primary Skill” as well as “Departments”.




The system now allows import and export of annual calendars.

  • Export via CSV and ICS
  • Import via CSV with the option of choosing whether existing calendars are to be overwritten or supplemented


New element “Duty roster calendar“

  • One duty roster calendar can be selected per alarm
  • A duty roster calendar can be used for several alarms
  • The duty roster calendar allows several periods to be defined per person. This makes it easy to plan on-call duty for the entire year within one calendar, for example.
  • The preferred communication channels can be defined within the duty roster


 Incident statistics

Launch of an incident statistics module to run various evaluations in the area of incidents.

  • Selection of time periods for the required statistics
  • Display of the departments TOP10 with the most incidents
  • Overview of new and closed incidents within the defined time period
  • Detailed display per department according to incident type
  • Export function via CSV file



File manager

Files can be centrally stored and categorised. If desired, a file can be made available to all departments via the "Global" option. The file manager is available for the following pages: Send Message, News Feed, Incident Board, Alarm Configuration, Message Template and App Profile Emergency Documents.




Various elements have been added to the visualizer.

  • Launch Form Light up to 4 questions within the element and selection of the appropriate alarm
  • Display of persons per locate point in the general overview as well as within a locate object
  • Possibility to display the field strength of the location object (WLAN, BLE as well as Dect)
  • Real-time display of persons for the systems Mitel SIP-Dect and Gigaset IP-Dect


Integration Swissphone Pager Network Telepage

As an additional alerting channel, there is the option of alerting by pager within Switzerland. The integration includes one-way integration with delivery confirmation.


Extension REST API Interface

Possibility of alerting persons who have not been created in the system. The following options are available:

  • Alerting via call, SMS or mail
  • Selection of whether message without confirmation, with confirmation or the use of survey confirmation
  • Detailed display per department according to incident type


Further functions and adjustments

  • Integration of the Apple iOS smartwatch for acknowledgement
  • Warning display if a person is not in at least one group
  • Possibility of individual confirmation announcement for the check call within the alone work
  • Possibility to use the same BSSID for WLAN access points as localisation objects across departments
  • Extension of the backup voice provider Twilio with the function Outbound-Conference
  • Update of the backend to SpringBoot 2.6.6

How did we do?

Portal Version 3.3

Portal Version 3.2
