External API (REST) – Functionality Scope

  • Person Management 
    • Create persons  
    • Update key information and devices 
    • Request list of existing persons based on their employee number 
    • Delete persons 
  • Group Management 
    • Create groups 
    • Update group members (overwrite, add, and remove) 
    • Get list of groups or specific groups based on group ID 
    • Delete groups 
  • Alarm settings management 
    • Get list of assigned groups for a specific alarm 
    • Update the list of assigned groups 
  • Qualification Management
    • Create qualifications
    • Update qualifications
    • Assign qualifications to person 
    • Delete qualifications 
  • Triggering alarms 
    • Trigger a specific alarm via API:  
      • Set the message 
      • Add attachment to the message 
      • Add persons and groups or replace pre-configured persons and groups 
      • Add persons which are not present in the system to the alarm audience
    • Use FACT24 ENS+ as messaging backend for “Custom notifications” 
      • Use to notify persons which are not present in the system via SMS, phone, and email devices. 
      • Set message, define persons, ask for confirmation,  
      • Notification will be visible in the alarm report, named “GENERIC_API_ALARM” 
    • Get all triggered alarms or limit to specific period 
    • Get status details per person for one specific triggered alarm 

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