SMS Quickstarts

Fannie Mahlmann Updated by Fannie Mahlmann

SMS Quickstarts

  1. Configuring an SMS Interface

    On the interface page of the Connectivity Hub, users can view their available SMS phone numbers. Principals cannot modify SMS interfaces here, as these SMS numbers need to be ordered by F24 from a provider called Twilio and can only be configured by a Super-Admin user in the Connectivity Hub. One SMS phone number consumes three credits.
  2. Creating an SMS Quickstart

    The next step is to create an SMS quickstart using the Rule Maker. Select SMS from the Quickstart Type dropdown and select the corresponding SMS recipient you have just created. Name your rule, and select the ENS+ alarm you wish to trigger using this rule. You can then select whether you want to attach a message template to this rule. Lastly, you can select from the following elements of the SMS to define your rule conditions: From and Text. You can add multiple rulesets with the operators OR as well as AND for nested rule processing.

Upon creation of a rule, you can test it out using the Dry Run functionality on the Ruleset page, and when everything works fine, you have successfully set up an SMS quickstart to trigger ENS+ alarms!

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