App Version 3.5

AleksandraPencheva Updated by AleksandraPencheva

  • Simplified alarm triggering through question-based launch forms on mobile app (have to be assigned via profile) 

  • Alignment with portal 
    • filter-based groups available for selection as alarm audience 
    • agree to data protection agreement when devices are changed by a person 
    • longer alarm messages possible for app push notifications 
  • Norwegian as additional UI language 

  • Small improvements 
    • Faster triggering of personal protection alarms: only last known location is used from now on (instead of again screening for updated location information) 
    • Easier to understand description how to log into the mobile app 
    • Input check for correct phone number format and info text 
Note that version 3.4. was skipped, so 3.5 directly followed after version 3.3. 

How did we do?

App Version 3.7

App Version 3.3
