
corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

Please note that visibility of this functionality depends on your product edition.

→ A task can be assigned to several task lists.

→ Several persons and groups can be assigned to a task.

→ Several alarms can be assigned to a task.

The tasks are used to load instructions for action stored for an incident and to save the associated (emergency) contacts and groups. A task consists of the sub-areas basic information, alarms, contacts and groups.

Basic information
  • Name: A unique name must be assigned to the task. It is advisable to use a meaningful name here so that it is clear which task is involved when selecting it later.
  • Global: With the global switch, the task can be made available to all orgnizational units at «On». The selection of the organizational unit is then hidden. Please note that no alarm can be added to a task for global tasks.
  • Organizational unit: If the task is not marked as «Global», an organizational unit can be selected. The task is then only available within the selected organizational unit.
  • Description: This field is used to describe the activity carried out.
  • Completion time: If this option is set, a task completion time can be created within an Incident.

In this area alarms can be assigned to a task.


The corresponding contacts, i.e., persons, can be assigned to a task, thereby a qualification or a role of a person for a task can be considered.


Another option is to add predefined groups to a task. The contacts can be seen later individually in the Incident Board. This has the advantage that the administration of groups is very simple. When making changes, not every task has to be touched. It is sufficient if only the group is modified, so that the change of the participants is ef-fective in all tasks.

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