
corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

Please note that visibility of this functionality depends on your product edition.

→ A task list can contain several tasks.

→ A task list is always assigned to an organizational unit.

→ A to-do list can contain up to 10 keywords for searching.

The task list is used to group several tasks in a common list and to determine their possible processing order. The list can be loaded within an Incident. It is possible to find the list based on the name as well as a keyword.

  • Name: The task list must be assigned a unique name. It is advisable to use a meaningful name here so that it is clear which task list is involved when selecting it later.
  • Organizational unit: Here the selection of the organizational unit is available. The task list is then only available within the selected organizational unit.
  • Keywords: These can be freely assigned and serve to make it easier to find task lists within the Incident Board.
  • Tasks: This configuration menu is used to add tasks to a task list. By using the buttons in the middle, the order of the tasks can be adjusted accordingly.

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