Portal Version 3.2

corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

Additional options when triggering alarms

  • Master number to trigger alarms via phone: users can trigger all alarms they have access to with only one phone number by entering their phone code and PIN (available in user settings) and the according alarm number. This phone number is displayed on the home screen of the tool.
  • Question-based launch forms to simplify triggering of right alarm with right message (available on license).
  • GPS inbound location profile: trigger the right alarm based on the GPS location of  the person, who triggered the alarm. (included from FACT24 ENS+ Advanced)
  • Adapt the message per channel, listen-and-record for the voice message, and add an attachment at time of alarm triggering


Communication channels

  • Easier to use device type list and up to 16 devices (instead of 12) per person
  • More powerful alarm chat: can remain open independent from the alarm duration, persons can be added and removed via portal, where the chat is more easily accessible in the “alarm cockpit”
  • Microsoft Teams Bot to receive and confirm alarm notifications (on license, available only for new customers set up in our new data center)
  • Voice conferences with up to 250 persons via new provider Twilio

New role: Group_Duty_Coordinator can only assign and unassign persons to and from specific groups and duty rosters of a selected organizational unit.


For our partners: Independent access to own customers via additional admin layer in our portal.


For customers set up in our new data center Noris:

  • MS Teams Bot (see above)
  • SSO via SAML protocol (available on license)
  • Access to FACT24 CIM (the F24 Crisis Management Tool, available on license)
  • Assign users roles and scope in CIM
  • Synchronize users and persons to CIM
  • Create an incident in CIM on alarm triggering


Smaller changes:

  • Refined navigation for more clarity: Alarm Cockpit / Reports & Statistics / Operating Cockpit / Persons & Groups / Alarm configuration / Incident configuration / Setup
  • “Department” renamed into “Organizational unit” and name of root organizational unit displayed in tables instead of “root”
  • New flag for users to now actively opt-in for email communication about maintenance work
  • Two new frontend languages: Dutch and Catalan

How did we do?

Portal Version 3.0
