
corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com


Access control with Levels

In CIM Essential you can customize the access to information, based on the level of the current user and the level set on content items. Administrators can edit the rights to this kind of access. As a user and member of different teams, you can be a part of one of these with a set of default rights.

Content created in the installation, such as incidents, action cards, tasks, reports and status meetings, can be shared within the same level OR it can also be shared between the different levels.

This is the definitions and rights of the different levels available in CIM Essential:

  • Strategic team: Takes care of the enterprise's longterm interests and limits the possible negative consequences of the incident. Users with roles allocated to the Strategic level) will have access to content items (log, reports, action cards, etc.) that belong to the Strategic level.
  • Tactical team: Is in charge of warning and mobilisation. Plans, sets into action and supervises all necessary measures. The Crisis Management and Crisis Staff are a part of this level. Users with roles allocated to the Tactical level will have access to content items (log, reports, action cards, etc.) that belong to the Strategic, Tactical and Operational level.
  • Operational team: Limits damage, saves lives and valuables and removes the cause of the crisis. The enterprise's own emergency personell typically works in conjunction with the emergency services. Users with roles allocated to the Operational level will have access to content items (log, reports, action cards, etc.) that belong to the Operational level.

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