Chat in the ENS+ Application

Chat in FACT24 ENS+ Application

Once you open the App,you are directed to the Active alarms page.This page has all the alarms that are triggered recently.

Chat in the application can be viewed in 2 ways.

  1. 1. Via ''Chat Overview'' section. Here, all your chats are visible. If you click on the alarm, you get to send messages.

  1. 2. Via History-Click on History to view all the Alarms Triggered/Received.

Select the Alarm you want to view. A tab with all Alarm details and Chat bar opens.

Click on the Chat tab to view and send your messages and take part in the Chat.

This is the tone for chat messages: Chat.m4a

Note that you can only access chats that you as a person were added to - either through an alarm or through a user who added you via the web portal.

How did we do?

Active Alarms

