About Incident workspace

corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

About Incident workspace

The Incident Workspace gives you quick access to commands for handling the current incident, and gives you an overview of the content related to it. Depending on what role you have, you can access the incident details, trigger alarms, read and add to the running log, delegate tasks and write reports.

In the function bar you can see which phase and potential that is the current registration for the incident you are working with.

The Incident Workspace is configured for the specific role and level-access you have:

  • Crisis Strategic Team: Trigger alarms, create reports based on templates, upload to File Archive, add and delete Action Cards, delegate tasks and add log items.<
  • Crisis Management: Trigger alarms, create reports based on templates, upload to File Archive, add and delete Action Cards, delegate tasks and add log items.
  • Crisis Operational Team: Trigger alarms, create reports based on templates, upload to File Archive, add and delete Action Cards, delegate tasks and add log items.
  • Crisis Staff: Access the Incident details where you can read situation reports, see who is in the staff for this incident, see focus areas and the meeting schedule. Through the task manager workspace window you can see all tasks you have assigned and are responsible of.
  • Admin: All rights and access to the Admin Workspace. Create Action Cards, Meeting and Report templates and configure users, rights and File Archive.

The Incident workspace consist of different modules and functions, where you can access the details of each one by clicking the header, button or link:

  • FACT24 Alarms
  • Create report
  • File Archive
  • Incident details - upper left
  • Latest Reports (link available in the Incident details window)
  • Action Cards - down to the left
  • Task manager (link available in the Action cards workspace board)
  • Running log - to the right

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