New functions through FACT24 CIM release V.24.02

Anita Wilknitz Updated by Anita Wilknitz

We are happy to announce improvements with the following new features concerning FACT24 CIM. To provide you with a better overview, we have set up this article to give you a detailed description of the updates with screenshots. These functionalities will be available to you from 27th of June 2024 on.

Improvements for all CIM Editions:

  1. Open incident & case from API trigger

An incident or case in CIM can now also be opened when an alarm is started via API.

  1. Alarm description

If an incident is triggered via an alarm, the alarm message will now automatically be added to the alarm description field.

  1. Message recipient category: 

When writing a message, it is possible to recognise the type of the recipient (person/user/ENS Group/other) based on the colour in the recipient field. 

  1. Improvements in the incident board: 
  • Incident board export: All content in an incident board can now be exported to an Excel-file (.xlsx)

  • Incident board date handling: The date and time fields in an incident board that are optional can now be cleared
  • Incident board UI: Users can now adjust the column width in the incident boards by click-and-drag on the column borders

  1. Admin workspace: 

Inactive incident types and incident potential are now hidden from the lists in admin workspace. By using the filtering option, they can be displayed again for use as needed.

Improvements from CIM advanced on:

  1. Improvements for persons of concerns (POC): 
  • POC conversation log: The name of the user who wrote an entry in the conversation log is now displayed and can be found in the conversation log together with the timestamp
  • POC Import - date format: The POC Import feature now supports two date formats: DD.MM.YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY
  • POC Import - Country codes: The three-letter country codes in accordance with ISO 3166-1 alpha-3

How did we do?

New functions through FACT24 CIM release V.24.01
