
corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com


About Locations

Define different locations in  Admin under Locations. The object administration can be viewed in the left column as a tree structure. In example, locations can be defined as geographical places, as buildings and departments with addresses, or whatever suits your enterprise.

Locations can be used when a user register new incidents.

Add new location

  1. At the top right corner of the tree structure, go to  and click  New .
  2. Click the dropdown list at the top and choose the parent object, where the new location will be found in the tree structure.
  3. Give the location a desired name (mandatory).
  4. Give a description of the location in the simple editor.
  5. Type the address of the location.
  6. Choose Time zone from the dropdown-list.
  7. Click the map-icon () to pin the location in a map. The latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically.
  8. Click OK to save.

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