Categories Updated by

The following general information on the Category Concept should be noted:

→ Several alarms can be assigned to one category.

→ An alarm is always assigned to one or no category.

Categories are needed to group alarms in the alarm monitor and in the report. They can be assigned to an organizational unit or are available to all users as a global entry.

  • Name: A unique name must be assigned to the category. Here it is recommended to use a meaningful name so that when selecting the category later it is clearly visible which category it is.

  • Global: With the Global switch, the category can be made available to all organizational units at «On». The selection of the department is then hidden. The option for a global category entry is only available to a root user.
  • Organizational unit: The Org. Unit selection is always visible and not only when global flag is switched off. Select the organizational unit this category should belong to.  

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