Web login for persons

Web login for persons

Not only users but also persons can log into the FACT24 ENS+ web portal.   

Login of person for first time:  

  • Prerequisite is that an account email address is set for a person (see person configuration).   
  • Go to https://ensplus.fact24.com/ens/ (the same URL to login for a person as is for a user)  
  • The person should then click on Forgot your password?   

A pop-up appears to enter the email address (it has to match the account email address, then a password needs to be created).



The following functionality is available for persons in the web portal:   

  • View system phone numbers to trigger alerts (in case a user shared his user ID and PIN with the person to trigger alert or join a conference)  
  • Read news, e.g., shared by their system administrator. This can also be used to give instructions on how to use the portal.   
  • Manage group memberships (if this is made available to that person via profile).  
  • Manage your own personal details and devices.  
Group Memberships  

Here, you can view all the groups you are part of as a person. In the top section, you find all groups that you are permitted (via profile) to sign in to or out from.   

The icons next to the group name signify:  

  • red cross button=signed out   
  • green tick button=signed in

In the lower section, you find the groups you are part of but do not have rights to edit.  

  • To edit your group memberships, click on “edit”.  
  • Sign into a group by selecting it on the right and assigning it to the left. The other way around, you can sign out from a group by moving it from left to right.   
  • If you sign into a group, a pop-up will appear, and you can select the channels with which you would like to be assigned. Note that this might not be the case if the right to do so wasn’t granted by a user.   


  • If you want to sign out of a group, but the required minimum number of members (as defined in the group configuration by a user) would not be reached any more, a warning pop-up will appear, and you wouldn’t be allowed to unassign.  
  • Depending on the profile settings, you as a person can also view other group members by clicking on the group icon.   

Personal Details  

In this section you will find your personal details:  

  • Family name  
  • Given name  
  • Street  
  • Zip code  
  • City  
  • Country  

Data Privacy

In the Devices section, you find your configured devices and when you last confirmed them.  

Clicking on Edit takes you to the personal settings page. Here you can edit your personal details and add or delete devices.   

By clicking on “confirm contact information” the time stamp for your last confirmation will be updated.   

If you click on “Save” and a data privacy policy has been linked to your account, you will first be asked to consent to it, before you can save your change.  Click on “data privacy statement “to review the policy.   

If you choose to “cancel”, your changes won’t be saved.   


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