Message templates Updated by

With a Message Template you can prepare messages and / or headers / signatures that can be re-used in multiple preconfigured alarms or ad-hoc notifications.

General notes:

→ A message template can be assigned to multiple alarms.

→ A message template can be made available globally for all organizational units.

  • Name: A unique name must be assigned to the template. It is advisable to use a meaningful name here, so that you can easily identify it during an alarm configuration.
  • Organizational unit: If the template is not marked as «Global», a n organizational unit can be selected. The template is then only available within the selected organizational unit.
  • Global: With the global switch, the message template can be made available to all depart-ments when »On«. The selection of the organizational unit is then hidden.
  • Language: A default language must be configured for the message template so that the correct text-to-speech voice is used for any voice call.

How did we do?

Launch Forms - Configuration

