Incident Statistics Updated by

Please note that these statistics will only be available to you if you use the Incident Management within the alarming platform. You are able to access these statistics via "Reports & Statistics".

In the incident statistics, you can find the number of incidents per department and escalation level as well as the number of open and closed incidents over time. At the bottom of the page, you find a list view, aggregated by department. Incidents that are not assigned to a department, will be labelled as "without department assigned".

You can filter the entire page for Category, if you assigned incidents to a category previously, and for the time frame, in which the displayed incidents were started. The following options are available: Last year (i.e., last calendar year), current year, last month, last week, and all available data.

If you click on "Export" at the bottom of the page, an automatic download of a csv file will be started. The csv file has the following structure:

Note: Incidents with more than one department involved are shown for each department, so double-counting may appear. For the csv export, the same filter as for the page itself will be applied.

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Incident Management
