E-Mail Quickstarts

Fannie Mahlmann Updated by Fannie Mahlmann

E-Mail Quickstarts

  1. Configuring an E-mail Interface

    On the interface page of the Connectivity Hub, users can create new email recipients for one credit each. An email recipient consists of three components, your custom e-mail address, a randomly generated text and the domain ‘@f24-alarming.com’. Upon entering the user’s desired E-mail address, the user can click on the Update Random ID button to change the randomly generated text which acts as a suffix to the user’s entry. This is done to prevent multiple customers having duplicate E-mail addresses and the risk of one customer triggering another customer’s alarms, as each E-mail address will be unique.
  1. Creating an E-mail Quickstart

    The next step after creating an E-mail recipient is to create an E-mail quickstart using the Rule Maker. Select E-mail from the Quickstart Type dropdown and select the corresponding E-mail recipient you have just created. Name your rule, and select the ENS+ alarm you wish to trigger using this rule. You can then select whether you want to attach a message template to this rule. Lastly, you can select from the following elements of the e-mail to define your rule conditions: From, Subject, Text. You can add multiple rulesets with the operators OR as well as AND for nested rule processing.

Upon creation of a rule, you can test it out using the Dry Run functionality on the Ruleset page, and when everything works fine, you have successfully set up an E-mail quickstart to trigger ENS+ alarms!

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