Contacts Updated by


The user interface of the Contacts module consists of a tree structure to the left, and information and functions pertaining to the element currently selected in the tree structure, displayed to the right.

The layout and functions depend on what type of element is currently selected in the tree structure.

The tree structure

In the tree structure, you can see the business units and departments. What you are allowed to see is depending on what Scope you are a part of.

  • A business unit is displayed with the icon  and its name.
  • A department is displayed with the icon  and its name.

The List view

In the List view in the Contacts for a business unit or a department, you can view a list of all contacts and users.


  •  Print – Click this button to print the contacts and users that are currently displayed in the List view.
  •  Export to Excel – Click this button to export to Excel the full details of the contacts and users that are currently displayed in the List view.

Information about the contacts and the users in the list is displayed in the following columns:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • E-mail – Primary e-mail
  • Phone – Primary phone number
  • Business unit
  • Job title

NB: It is not possible to add or edit contacts within CIM Starter. This is handled through FACT24.

To display the Detail view of a contact or user from the list, click on the respective row.

The Detail view

When a person (a contact or a user) is selected in the List view, the details of the selected person are displayed in the Detail view beneath.

On the Function bar over the Detail view, the following elements are available when you click :

  •  Print – Click this button to print the full details of the contact/user.
  •  Download contact – Click this button to export the persons contact information to a vCard file that can be opened in an external contact register (for example, Microsoft Outlook).

The following information is displayed in the Detail view:

  • Last name and first name
  • Job title
  • E-mail address(es) – Primary e-mail address
  • Scopes - Information about which scopes is set for the user/contact.
  • Phone number(s) – All telephone numbers that are available for the person, and what type of number this is (Job-mobile, Job phone, Privat mobile, etc.)
  • Date created – the date and time for when the element was created
  • Last update – the date and time for when the element was last updated
  • Last updated by – Last name and first name of the person who made the last update.

The following information is only displayed for users:

  • User name is displayed in parentheses after the name of the user.
  • Roles – all roles that are assigned to the user
  • Authorized by – the name of the person who authorized the creation of the user account
  • Last login – date and time for the users last login

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