
corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

→ A qualification can be assigned to more than one person.

→ A person is always assigned one or no qualification.

→ A qualification can be used in several alarms.

→ Several qualifications can be assigned to one alarm.


  • Name: A unique name must be assigned to the qualifications. It is recommended that you use a meaningful name so that when you later select qualifications, you can clearly see which qualification is involved.
  • Global: With the global switch, qualifications can be made available to all organizational units at «On». The selection of the organizational unit is then hidden.
  • Organizational unit: If the qualificaton was not marked as «Global», the selection of the organizational unit is available. The qualification is then only available within the selected organizational unit.
  • Selection of persons: Once a qualification has been created, you can check and configure which persons are assigned to the respective qualification. The assignment of the qualification is also available directly in the person configuration.
Please note that when assigning persons to a qualification here in the qualification configuration, this only refers to their primary qualification. You have to switch to the person configuration to select a qualification as an additional one.

Qualifications are needed to be able to use a qualification-based confirmation in the alarms. The created qualification can then be selected via a drop-down menu within the qualification-based confirmation. So only persons with the required qualification(s) will be alarmed and counted to reach the alarm goal.

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