Profile Settings for Loneworking
Please first read the article on Profiles for a more general understanding of the concept of profiles. The tab for Lone worker protection settings in the profile configuration will only be visible if your product package includes the loneworking module.
Lone worker protection settings
The lone worker protection settings are fully available for Android users only. For iOS, only the vigilance control alarm (“dead man function”) is available. Please also note that the accuracy of our GPS tracking depends on your device, network quality, and operating system. Newer devices with stable network connections and well-maintained operating systems provide the most accurate location data. Before using our application, you must check network coverage both indoors and outdoors to ensure its functionality.
- Vigiliance Control alarm (“dead man function”): This option allows pro-active employee protection. Employees must pro-actively extend their lone working time at regular intervals. Depending on the configuration, the terminal transmits between 1-3 repetitions to the participants. Furthermore, the interval between the repetitions can be set.
Please note that on iOS the warnings of expiring lone working time cannot override the phone’s silent mode. If you would like to override the Do not Disturb mode, you will have to specifically allow this for the FACT24 ENS+ App. So, we recommend to ensure that any iOS phone is set to ‘loud’ before starting the vigilance control mode.
- Lone worker mode: This function generally switches the lone working mode on or off.
- BG mode: Activates presets and features for the PNA solution certified in the further process.
- Lone worker mode standard: This function starts the lone worker mode via location detection. If a Blue-tooth beacon is available, this loca-tion information is used. If this is not available, the GPS data will be trans-mitted. The stand-alone operation is active for 24 hours in accordance with the BG guidelines.
- Start Lone working via NFC Detection: This function starts the PNA mode via NFC tag location detection.
- Homebase: This function enables the check of the starting point and return location via NFC tag.
- Start localisation: NFC tag that is entered as homebase and allows the logon to the PNEZ.
- Finish localisation: NFC tag entered as return point. Logging out of the PNEZ is only possible here.
- Manual stop on time elapsed warning: This option is available for the PNA mode »NFC Tag«. If this option is set, a user can also end the standalone work manually and does not necessarily have to log off via the NFC tag.
- Start lone worker with manual detection: This mode allows users to manually enter a place name. Lone work is set to one hour by default.
- Vigiliance Control alarm: This option allows pro-active employee protection. Employees must pro-actively ex-tend their alone work time at regular intervals. Depending on the configuration, the terminal transmits between 1-3 repetitions to the participants. Furthermore, the in-terval between the repetitions can be set.
- Earphone cable pulled alarm: The loss alarm can be activated if the smartphone has a headphone plug (jack) or an adapter plug (USB-C > jack). The loss alarm can be triggered by unplugging or pull-ing the smartphone from the headphones, or another device connected via the headphone jack.
- React on charger: If this function is activated, the lone work is terminated as soon as the terminal is charging.
- Location information (Beacons, GPS): This function generally enables the function that location information is transmitted via beacon, WLAN access point or GPS in the case of an alarm. Only the location in-formation with the highest priority is forwarded. The priority of the location infor-mation is BLE Beacon, WLAN Access Point and GPS.
- Timeout: After this time, the tracking of a person will be terminated, even if the lone work event has not been terminated in the PNEZ Dashboard.
- Send always GPS information: This function allows the current GPS information to be sent with each alarm.
- No movement alarm: This defines how long the smartphone can be in an idle position before an alarm is sent.
- Man-down alarm: The man-down alarm detects the posture of the end device and triggers an alarm when the set trigger angle is exceeded. To prevent false alarms, a detection time and a pre-alarm can be set up. No alarm is triggered within these times.
→ Selection of trigger angle in degrees - for position alarm
→ Seconds - detection time (0-60 seconds)
→ Seconds - pre-alarm time (0-60 seconds) - Pause Sensor detection: The pause sensor detection enables the pause function. As soon as a pre-alarm is pending, the user has the option to stop the alarm and pause all sensors for the time set here.
- Play tone for rescue team: It is possible that the terminal activates a locating tone after the alarm is triggered. To ensure that the tone can only be switched off by authorised employees, it is se-cured with a PIN.
- Periodic monitoring: If this option is active, the user will be monitored periodically. A monitoring time be-tween 5 and 60 minutes can be selected.
Important note: The system takes the configured value for monitoring and divides it by four. If, for example, monitoring of 8 minutes is set, the first PIN monitoring al-ready takes place after 2 minutes. If this fails, the user is informed that a technical alarm will be triggered unless he enters the reception area within the specified time.- Technical alarm: The technical alarm is started when monitoring is not given, or the battery status is below the defined threshold. A so-called system alarm must be selected. For this purpose, the checkbox for system alarms must be set for at least one alarm under the Triggering item within the selected department/organisational unit.
- Include battery level: This function activates the monitoring of the battery status. If it falls below the value set here, an alarm is triggered. In addition, when the lone worker mode is activated, warning messages are displayed if the indicator is below or close to the threshold value.
- Confirmation call: To avoid false alarms, the system supports the possibility of calling the subscriber again after an alarm message has been transmitted in the case of an unintentional alarm, in order to give the subscriber a last opportunity to avert a possible false alarm. The language and the content of the confirmation call can be freely defined.
- Homebase: This function enables the check of the starting point and return location via NFC tag.