App Version 3.16

Anita Wilknitz Updated by Anita Wilknitz

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions: (available from 17.12.2024)

  1. Customizable scan interval for beacons

Per Profile the scan interval for beacons can now be configured.

The interval can be configured between 0 (last beacon) and up to 30 seconds.

  1. Accessibility:

We implementefd support for external keyboards and increased the contrast ratio of colors for focus highlighting.

  1. Add support to the device type - JOB_SMS

Support for the JOB_SMS device type has now been added.

  1. Launch form: 

The mobile app displays the launch form message now in HTML format.

  1. ENS+ Incident management module:

You can now send notifications before the deadlines of the task.

How did we do?

App Version 3.17

App Version 3.15
