App Version 3.7

Anita Wilknitz Updated by Anita Wilknitz

Note that version 3.6. was skipped for mobile app, so 3.7 directly followed after version 3.5. 

Localization improvements: 

  • Threshold for GPS location update to be registered and sent to the web portal can now be set in the mobile app (vs. system-wide parameter previously).
  • If an alarm is triggered from the mobile app and the person enabled “location tracking”, all location updates will be transmitted to the web portal with time stamp and displayed to authorized users for this particular alarm. This enables more precise localization in case of emergency. 
  • Improved beacon compatibility: Update to latest SDK version of our partner Blukii, now supporting both iBeacon and Eddystone standard. 

User interface improvements

  • Mobile app is now fully accessible, color contrasts were adapted, and it is screen reader friendly. 
  • Typography hierarchy was adapted to be consistent throughout the mobile app. 
  • Right-to left text support.
  • All URLs are now clickable. 

Consistency to web portal

  • Alarm statuses were adapted to match the latest web portal version. 
  • Up to 16 (instead of previously 12) devices, including the second SMS device “Other SMS”, lately introduced in the latest web portal version can now be managed from mobile. 
  • Differentiated display of timestamps for “Last time confirmed” of contact information, and “Data privacy accepted” in accordance to web portal.

How did we do?

App Version 3.8

App Version 3.5
