Alarm statistics Updated by

Here you can find some overarching numbers on your alarms.

You have the following two filter options:

  • Organizational unit: Limiting the selection via the «Organizational unit» filter. Once the organizational unit and period are selected, users can utilize the Alarm Mode filter to sort alarms accordingly: 
  •     All: This option combines both test and live alarms. 
  •     Test: It presents alarms triggered in Exercise Mode. 
  •     Live: This option displays only live alarms. 
  • Period: Dropdown menu with presets to select the desired time period. The selection always references the day on which the statistics are viewed:
    • Last 24 hours
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 1 month
    • Last 1 year
General statistics

This area shows the numerical distribution of the top 5 alarms and a detailed distribution of their status. The different distributions are separated by colour and a curve clearly shows the distribution of confirmation time.

Alarm statistics

For a detailed view into an individual alarm, it can be selected from a drop-down list and the "time window for acknowledgement" can be specified in seconds. The donut gives information about the distribution how often a specific alarm has expired in the above-mentioned time period and how often it has been acknowledged or not acknowledged within the considered time. The distribution curve also shows how the acknowledgement of this alarm is distributed over time.

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