
With dictionaries you can efficiently compile a list of short codes used in alarm messaging, ensuring seamless conversion to the intended words for text-to-speech. For instance, if the code "BLN" appears in the message, it can be translated to "Barcelona" during a voice call, thanks to the implementation of Dictionaries.   

Setting up a dictionary involves the following steps: 

  1. Click on the 'Create new dictionary' button found on the list view of dictionaries. 


  1. Fill in all the necessary details in the provided fields: 


  • Name: Enter the short code you wish to convert during voice messaging. 
  • Global: By toggling the Global switch to "On," the dictionary becomes available to / will be applicable to messages in all organizational units. So, please note that if a non-root user at a lower organizational level marks the dictionary as 'global,' it will still affect higher organizational levels. 
  • Organizational unit: Assign the dictionary to a specific organizational unit.  
  • Category: You can assign a category for the dictionary. 
  • Fill in the exact words in the respective boxes that should replace the short codes.  
  • For example, if we set Name= CLN, English*= Cologne, Deutsch*= Köln. The alarm message will be spoken as "Cologne/Köln" instead of "CLN," depending on the user's chosen language. 
  1. Click "Save" to finalize and create your dictionary. 


By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and customize the conversion of short codes to desired words, enhancing the clarity and comprehension of voice calls during alarm messaging. 

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Creating your organizational structure
