Pre-defined Action Cards Updated by

Pre-defined Action Cards

The user interface of the action card library is the Library window. The Library window consists of a Title- and Function bar, Search-/filter bar, and displays the list of action cards in the library you are working in. In the Library window, the action cards of the library are managed (add, edit, import, export, delete and restore action cards).

The Detail view and Version history window can be opened from the Library window. Their user interface and commands are described in sections The Detail view and The Version history window.

In the Library window, you can:

  • See the list of action cards that are available to you in the library, based on your user rights
  • Add an action card
  • Edit an action card
  • Import action cards
  • Delete action cards, and restore action cards from the Recycle bin.
  • Print and export action cards

To open the Library window

  • The Library window for the action card library can be accessed from a menu item dedicated to the library.
  • Also, the library can be accessed also from a menu item showing the working copies of action cards for the current incident.

To view the details of the current version of an action card, open the Detail view of the action card by pointing to the Functions button () for the respective action card, and clicking  Open. .

To view and work with different versions of an action card, open the Version history window of the action card by pointing to the Functions button () for that action card, and clicking  Version history .

The Version history window can also be opened from the Detail view of the action card, by pointing to  Functions and clicking  Version history.

The Library window

The starting point for working with the Action card library is the Library window. The Library window displays the list of action cards that are available to the active user in the Action card library, based on the user rights.

The Library window shows a summary of the current version of each action card. The current version is either the latest Approved version, or the latest status of the first version, if there are no approved versions.

The Library window contains commands to perform the following:

  • Search for action cards, and change some aspects of how action cards are displayed in the Library window
  • Add an action card
  • Edit an action card
  • Import one or more action cards
  • Delete one or more action cards and open the Recycle bin list
  • Print or export one or more action cards
  • Open the Detail view for an action card
  • Open the Version history window for an action card
  • If you are working with the action card library for the Incident Overview module, you can copy action cards to the current incident.

The Library window contains the following elements:

  • Title- and Function bar
  • Search/filter bar
  • Action card list
  • Field with drop-down list showing functions that can be performed on one or more action cards selected from the Action card list (With selected)

The Title- and Function bar

You find this at the top of the Library window and it can contain the following elements:


The name or title of the menu item

 Full screen

Click to open the Library window in a new browser window.

 Close full screen

Click to close a Full screen view.

 Refresh page

Click to refresh the Library window without refreshing the remainder of the window.

 Functions : Point to this button to display a menu that can contain the following commands:


Click to add an action card. This function is only available if you have the Library-Write user right.


Click to change the order of the action cards in the Library window.


Click to import one or more action cards from an XML file. This function is only available if you have the Library-Write user right.

 Recycle bin

Click to open the Recycle bin. This function is only available if you have the Library-Administrator user right.

The Search/filter bar

The main part of the Library window consists of the list of action cards. The following information about the current version of each action card and elements for working with the action card can be available:

  • Name
  • Document flow status (for example, Draft, Approved or Expired). You can see the action cards with statuses that are available to you, based on your user rights:
    • Action cards with the status Draft are only available for the Author and Co-authors of the current version.
    • Action cards whose current version has the status Approved or Expired are available to all users.
    • Action cards with any other statuses are available to the Author and/or Co-author, and to users with user rights to the respective Document flow step.

How did we do?

Functions of Action Cards
