Lone Worker Protection

The lone worker protection settings are fully available for Android users only. For iOS, only the dead man function is available. Please also note that the accuracy of our GPS tracking depends on your device, network quality, and operating system. Newer devices with stable network connections and well-maintained operating systems provide the most accurate location data. Before using our application, you must check network coverage both indoors and outdoors to ensure its functionality

Lone Worker Protection offers the possibility to use 2 modes:

  1. Lone worker protection
  2. PNA with manual location input

Lone Worker Protection uses the presets from the app profile. The solo working time cyclically queries the condition of the user.

Trigger an alarm

Will-dependent triggering of a personal alarm

Stop working alone

The employee can log out of personal security.

Adjusting solo working hours

The timer for working alone can be adjusted by the employee. The default is taken from the profile. The input can be between 1 minute – 24 hours.

PNA with manual location input

Queries the location before activating the PNA

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