Media Gateway setup for the ENS+ Cloud portal Updated by

This menu item is dependent on your booked modules. Please find further details regarding the Media Gateway in the dedicated help section.

The media gateway page in the setup section of the portal allows you to switch off the synchronization of personal, group and alarm data with the local alarm media gateway. Furthermore, uploaded data backups of local configuration can be viewed here.

Important note: The web configuration of local persons, groups and alarms is explained in the document "media gateway installation guide". Please contact our Sales or Support to get access.

  • Username: Here is the username of the alarm media gateways.
  • Organizational unit: Here you can find the information about the assignment of the local hardware to the organizational unit.
  • Synchronisation enabled: This data field indicates whether automatic synchronization between cloud and alarm media gateway has been enabled
  • Monitor enabled: If monitoring has been activated, it is visible in the overview.

  • Basic data: In addition to the information about the username and organizational unit, it also contains current information about when the last Keep Alive for monitoring the gateways was received from the cloud.
  • Organizational unit: The media gateway can be assigned to different organizational units. This assignment makes this column of the overview visible.
  • Synchronisation: If the synchronization option is activated, automatic synchronization of personal, group and alarm data take place. In this case, any existing local configurations are overwritten. This does not affect local interface configurations. The cloud automati-cally updates the configuration every 24 hours. If data is to be synchronized directly, it is possible to Launch it manually via the «Force sync» button.

Important note: For security reasons, synchronization must also be activated in the alarm media gateway under SETUP-> CLOUD Settings.

  • File name: The previous backups can be filtered by file name. The backup behind the file name can be downloaded directly from the browser by clicking on it.
  • Date/Time: This is the date and time when the backup was uploaded to the cloud.
  • Size (file size):The size of the data backup can be reviewed here.
  • Version: The version number of the media gateway at the time of the backup is displayed in the «Version» field.

How did we do?

Media Gateway Alarm Report
