Geolocation profiles Updated by

Please note the following general information on the geolocation profiles:

→ A geo-profile can be global, which means that alarms from different organizational units can be assigned to the profile.

→ A geo-profile can be assigned to many alarms.

→ A geo-profile can contain a multitude of Bluetooth beacons.

→ One alarm can be assigned to several geo-profiles.

If one or more geo-profiles are assigned to an alarm, the participants in the defined areas are alerted as soon as an alarm is triggered. The alerting of the participants takes place in addition to the participants that are already included in an alarm by default. To use the location, the terminal device accesses the GPS and Bluetooth coordinates of the smartphones. iOS and Android use the so-called «Significant Distance Change» service, which means that the GPS data is updated if an employee moves significantly away from his current position.

  • Name: A unique name must be assigned to the geo-profile. Here it is recommended to use a meaningful name, so that it is clearly visible which geo-profile it is when selecting it later.
  • Organizational unit: If the geo-profile is not marked as «Global», the selection of the organizational unit is available. The geo-profile is then only available within the selected organizational unit.
  • Global: With the global switch, the geo-profile can be used for alarms from all organizational units when «On». The selection of the organizatioanl unit is then hidden.
  • Custom validity extension (in minutes): This option allows you to remove a participant from the dynamic geo-location group if the participant is no longer logged on to this location within the defined time in minutes.
  • Location coordinates: In this field, the location is entered in decimal notation. A space must be included between the latitude and longitude.
    The following example shows the entry:
    Potsdamer Platz, Berlin Input in tool = 52.509352 13.375739
  • Location radius in meters: In this field the radius around the specified location can be defined in meters.
  • Custom message: Further user-defined information about the location can be transmitted here. It will be added to the alarm as a message.

  • Alarm assignment: Here the desired alarms are assigned to a profile. If an alarm is triggered and as-signed to the defined profile, all participants in the defined area are alerted - in addition to the groups and persons assigned to the alarm in the alarm configuration.

  • Beacon assignment: In addition to the GPS data, the BLE beacons can be assigned to a location profile.

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Location profiles

