Chat Updated by


You can ''Enable Chat'' either from pre-configured Alarms or Ad hoc alarm. A chat will always only be opened from a triggered alarm. There is no way to open a chat independent from a alarm.

In the ''Chat'' Tab of the Alarm Cockpit you can view all the chat messages for all the alarms triggered in the organizational units you have access to. Below is the example of how the Chat overview looks like.

All chats for the triggered alarms will be shown. Once you click on the small black message tab, you are ready to take part in the conversation.

The procedure described here is for web portal of ENS+

You can type any message you want to share with the persons mentioned on the right side under Chat Members.

Archive & close will close the chat, you will be able to view the chats but no longer be able to write something in and the below message pops up.

In the Manage chat members, you can either add or remove persons from the ongoing chat.

To show you an example:

Invite external persons

In addition to persons configured in the system, you can also invite external persons (i.e., persons unknown in the system) to the chat. Click on “Add external persons” and provide first and last name (mandatory as will be displayed in the chat) and at least one device, either email or SMS, or both to which the invitation will be sent. The person will then receive a message containing the link and a password to join the conversation.  

Accessing Chat via Alarm monitor

You can also access the chat from the alarm monitor. Click on the related alarm. The Details and Chat bar appears as below. You are ready to send message in the ongoing chat.

Accessing Chat via Alarm Report

The ''Alarm Report'' contains the list of all alarms triggered in the past. A small black message box in the Status shows that there has been a chat.

Clicking on that small box and scrolling down the page you can go to the alarm details as shown below.

Click on ''Open Chat'' on the bottom right corner to access the chat - if the chat is still open. If it is archived, you can only read but no longer write past chat messages.

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Alarm monitor

Phone Conference
