Portal Version 3.13

Anita Wilknitz Updated by Anita Wilknitz

Release Notes Portal Version 3.13.0 (available from Aug 6ths 2024 on)

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions:

  1. Numeric confirmation via SMS

To make confirmation via SMS clearer, the text “Please provide one of the numeric feedback options as answer to this message” has been added to the SMS message.



Read detailed description in the Alarm Confirmation Article

  1. Confirming callback alarm

If you call back a previous or missed call, you are now not only given the opportunity to listen to the message again but also to confirm the alarm.

Read detailed description in the Alarm Confirmation Article

Improvements from FACT24 ENS+ essential:

  1. Mute/Unmute phone conference participants

If you have access to the “Conference Management” page (e.g. people with the “Alarm Executor” role), you can now mute or unmute Phone conference participants.

Read detailed description in the Phone Conference Article

How did we do?

Portal Version 3.14

Portal Version 3.12
