Jobs Updated by

The Job management allows you to set recurring jobs for two types of tasks:

  • Alarm: you can schedule a fixed alarm with a repetition interval.
  • Contact information reminder: a reminder is scheduled for people who have not confirmed their personal information within a specified time frame. This applies to all persons in a department who have entered an e-mail address under "E-mail of user account".

Job Settings

  • Name: This is the name of the job.
  • Job Type: Choose between »Alarm« and »Contact Information Reminder«.
  • Organizational unit: This is the organizational unit this job is assigned to. Please note that for the contact confirmation reminder all persons including the subordinate organizational unit will be notified if they match the set time frame. 
  • Execution range: This is the period during which the job is active. The starting point is mandatory, the end can be left open.
  • Repeat interval: this is the interval within which the job will be executed.
    • Every x minutes (minimum 5 minutes)
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Custom → »User defined period«

Alarm triggering properties

  • Alarm: The organizational unit and the desired alarm can be selected here via a drop-down list.
  • Alarm text: Alarm text that is used for the respective triggering.

Contact confirmation properties

  • Threshold (days): Persons will be reminded if they haven't confirmed their contact data within the selected time frame.
  • Reminder message: Enter custom text here. If it remains empty, default text will be sent.
Note that only persons with an account email address and / or application device will be notified. If both are configured, the system will reach out to the person on both devices. Depending on the system setup, it is possible that - if no account email address is used - the first email device in the device list will be notified.
Notification to this regular email device is only meant to support mobile app rollout – the person cannot confirm contact data without mobile app or account email address.

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