
corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com Updated by corinna.hammerstingl@f24.com

The Whitelist allows you to assign authorizations to launch an alarm via individual emergency number. Please note the following general information about the Whitelist concept:

→ A whitelist can be assigned to several alarms.

→ Only one whitelist can be selected per alarm.

  • Name: A unique name must be assigned to the whitelist. Here it is recommended to use a meaningful name so that when selecting the whitelists later it is clearly visible which white list it is.
  • Global: With the Global switch, the category can be made available to all departments at «On». The selection of the department is then hidden. The option for a global white-list entry is only available to a root user.
  • Department: If the category was not marked as «Global», the selection of the department is available. The whitelist is then only available within the selected department.
  • Name: A name for the phone number can be stored here.
  • Phone numbers: The phone number that may launch the alarm via individual emergency number is stored here. Several entries per Whitelist can be created. Please note that the phone number is NOT created in canonical format here. I.e., instead of +49176xxxxxxxx the phone number must be created as follows: 176xxxxxxxx.
    Tip: For example, if the entire company should be able to trigger an alarm via individual emergency number, the main call number can simply be stored.

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