Portal Version 3.9

Anita Wilknitz Updated by Anita Wilknitz

Release Notes Portal Version 3.9.0 (available from Mar 12ths 2024 on)

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions:

Duplicate Phone Numbers:

When executing an alarm, duplicate phone numbers for each device type will now be consolidated during the alarm flow and just alerted once in order to avoid being considered fraud by telephone providers. Any devices that don‘t get notified for this reason will be marked as „duplicate“ in the alarm log.



Telephone Number

If all of the devices are alerted with one alarm, you may see the following statuses:  

Person A

Job Mobile

+ 49 177 12345678   


Person B

Job Mobile

+ 49 177 12345678 

Failed -> If you check the detailed alarm log you will find “Duplicate” as information  

Person C

Private Mobile

+ 49 177 12345678 

Notified -> It is the same phone number but used as different device type

Please make sure that you use the same phone number only once per device type across all persons in the account.

Read the detailed description in Device Configuration

Improvements from FACT24 ENS+ essential:

Qualification Management:

 You can now manage qualifications of persons also via API, which means you can:

  • Create qualifications 
  • Update qualifications  
  • Assign qualifications to persons
  • Delete qualifications 

Improvements for FACT24 ENS+ advanced:

Video Conference (Add-On functionality):

The Video conference feature is an Add-on functionality for FACT24 ENS+ advanced and FACT24 CIM starter and is include from FACT24 CIM essential on.

When setting a new alarm, you can set the "Video Conference" Button in the "Audience & Channels" tap to "on". When it is activated, it will automatically send a message with the video conference link to the selected participants.

Ein Bild, das Text, Screenshot, Zahl, Schrift enthält.
          Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

In the Alarm Cockpit you can now find a "Video Conference" tap. Here you get an overview of all video conferences, the members, join and leave time and also close the video conference. Here you can also add members to the video conference or prevent them from re-entering.

Ein Bild, das Text, Zahl, Software, Schrift enthält.
          Automatisch generierte Beschreibung
The maximum possible number of participants in a video conference is 60.

To participate in a video call you need just a web browser running on your computer or smartphone. The ENS+ videoconference system was designed with a high availability mindset, making sure, it’s available even in critical incidents like a cyberattack to your organization or when the major videoconference providers are not available for any reason. Therefore, the solution is completely independent of MsTeams or Zoom and runs on a redundant server farm. 

How did we do?

Portal Version 3.10

Portal Version 3.8
