Portal Version 3.6

Release Notes Portal Version 3.6.0

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions:

Enhanced performance and person management

  • New SMS type „Other SMS“: You can now differentiate between “SMS” and “other SMS” devices (also via API). In addition, you can directly duplicate a mobile number as SMS device.
  • The search functionalities for persons in the list view and assignment components were improved. You can now search for attributes such as language, country, building or multi-select qualifications
  • Updates of qualifications are now possible via API (update only, qualifications must already exist in the system).

Exercise mode for alarms

  • Every alarm triggered in this mode will have [TEST ALARM] written at the start of every message. These alarms can also be filtered out from rest of alarms using the filter option in reports and statistics. Note that this is currently available only in the web interface.

Enhanced alarm functionalities

  • Alarms can be triggered via the international emergency number: Record a message and directly start the alarm by pressing 3
  • The REST API was extended so that the UUID (unique user identification) of the triggered alarm can be received as a feedback
  • The Alarm report now contains alarmed groups, and job log tasks irrespective of their status


User interface/ language

  • Small layout adaptions were made
  • Trigger phone numbers on home screen are now displayed based on the corresponding F24 region (i.e., UK number is displayed first for UK customers)
  • Arabic is now available as language for our user interface


Hybrid functionality

  • A new LDAP Connector is available for all FACT24 Mediagateway users, simplifying the import of persons with all entities. For more information, please contact your F24 contact person.


Improvements starting from FACT24 ENS+ essential:

Enhanced conferencing

  • Select to record a conference as part of the alarm settings (only for dedicated conference alarms and not if triggered via international emergency number ).
  • Add a conference to any alarm type
  • Manage conferences by assigning and unassigning the person to a conference room.


Improvements starting from FACT24 ENS+ advanced:


  • With a preconfigured dictionary, short codes in alarm messages will be replaced by a full word when being converted from text to speech, and will be easier to understand.

How did we do?

Portal Version 3.7

Portal Version 3.5
