Working with incidents and alarms

About Incident workspace

About Incident workspace. The Incident Workspace gives you quick access to commands for handling the current incident, and gives you an overview of the content related to it. Depending on what role y…
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Edit the incident map

Edit the incident map. You can edit the incident map in the incident form, when registering or editing an incident. When in Edit mode , you can zoom, pan, and search for coordinates in the map. You c…
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Register new incident

Register new incident. Click New on the Function bar in the List view or in the dialog box Switch incident on the system bar, click Register new incident.. In the dialog box that opens, fill out the…
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FACT24 Alarms

Create Incidents in CIM. FACT24 ENS+ alarms can automatically create incidents in CIM. In order to configure it go to FACT24 ENS+ and alarm configuration. Then follow these steps: Under: "Alarm Confi…
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Incident Boards

With Incident boards it is possible to set up forms with custom fields such as text field, single select and multi select. The fields can be combined with other features in FACT24 CIM such as selecti…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz
