App Releases

App Version 3.17

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions: (available from 29.01.2025). Automatic Alarm Repetition in Case of Connection Issues. If a user triggers an alarm but there is no connection to the portal, the a…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.16

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions: (available from 17.12.2024). Customizable scan interval for beacons. Per Profile the scan interval for beacons can now be configured. The interval can be configu…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.15

Improvements for all FACT24 Editions:. Vibration duration for Notifications. The vibration duration can now be configured in the general settings (e.g. 5, 3, or 2 seconds). Accessibility Improvements…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.13

Note that the version 3.13. does not contain any changes to features but only bug fixes and accessibility improvements.

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.12

Note that version 3.11 was skipped, so 3.12 directly followed after version 3.10. . Account & Device data:. You can now find account and device information more easily under "Your account" in the app…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.10

Location information: With this release only significant location information will be shared with the portal (until now the portal was basically spammed by location updates even if no change occured)…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.9

User access to the mobile app: If you login to the mobile app as a user (not as a person, who is mainly receiving alarms), you will now see one more tile on your home screen – the portal access. If y…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.8

HTML format of received alarm messages: Alarm messages received in the mobile app can now be displayed with their HTML formatting (which has been enriched lately with the portal release 3.8). This do…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.7

Note that version 3.6. was skipped for mobile app, so 3.7 directly followed after version 3.5. Localization improvements: Threshold for GPS location update to be registered and sent to the web port…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz

App Version 3.5

Simplified alarm triggering through question-based launch forms on mobile app (have to be assigned via profile) . Alignment with portal filter-based groups available for selection as alarm audience .…

Updated by AleksandraPencheva

App Version 3.3

Easier access to PIN login, critical alerts enabled for iOS, UI and translation improvements. For our ENS+ app users: we added the option to use the PIN for the first-time login to the start screen,…


App Version 3.2

Simplified login process: ENS+ customers can now download the app and don't have to change the server manually. For former Serinus customers, it is still possible to login via their known way with on…

