Reports & Statistics

Alarm Report

Overview. Here current and past alarm processes can be viewed. All cloud-based alarms are displayed. This includes SaaS-alarms as well as hybrid alarms in connection with the alarm media gateway. In…
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Hotline Report

The hotline report contains detailed information on the activated info hotlines. The start and end dates are displayed. If an info hotline is active, the field for the end date is empty and a green c…
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Alarm statistics

Here you can find some overarching numbers on your alarms. You have the following two filter options: Organizational unit : Limiting the selection via the «Organizational unit» filter. Once the organ…
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Survey Reports

Here current and past surveys can be viewed. The start and end dates are displayed of a survey. In addition, the name and the Launch by are available as search filters. The «Launch» is the user who s…

Anita Wilknitz
Updated by Anita Wilknitz
